Financial Agreement

Financial Agreement
Club Dues
Club Registration Fee:
Competitive Program Fee for U9-11: Additinonal fees will apply to teams in these divisions.
Team Fees: this is determined by each team, and may include tounament fees, league (Norcal) playing league fees, refs, uniforms, etc.
The soccer season is defined by each team. Some teams, like U15 and older, may not play a fall playing league due to school sports conflicts. Winter playing leagues are not supported by the club. Tuf fields are very expensive, and our club has no permits for winter playing. Empire permits start no sooner that April 1.

 (High School Break mid-August through mid-November for U15 – U19 Girls, mid-November through Mid-February for U15-U19 Boys)

Empire Soccer Club dues are are not optional. If you are unable to attend a tournament or train for any reason including illness or injuries (except as noted below), no refund is due. No adjustment or reduction in Club Dues is allowed. Players who suffer serious injuries lasting more than three months, however, may submit a request to the Empire Soccer Club Board for release of payment of Dues for that period.
Dues Payment Options
Club Dues are paid directly to Empire Soccer Club, and are due at the time of player registration.
Payment Default
Empire Soccer Club is a membership organization. Unpaid dues represent funds not available to meet Club expenses. Any player delinquent in dues by 10 days or more will be notified by the Club and suspended from participating in any Club or Team activity.
Volunteer U11 - U18
Every player’s family is required to volunteer time to help run the Club. This would include team jobs.
Team Jobs: Each player’s family will be required to sign up for a team job at the first team meeting. Managers will have a list of the team jobs
Team Expenses
The Club Dues do not cover team expenses, which include but are not limited to: tournament entry fees, all-weather field rental fees, referee fees (Norcal State Cup), team equipment and supplies, league fees, camp fees and coaches traveling expenses. Teams will collect team fees to meet the team plan for tournaments, State Cup, and other team activities.  Players not paying team fees within 10 days of the assessment due date will be subject to being suspended from participating in any Club or Team activity.
Release Policy
For whatever reason, if a player quits or wishes to be released from the Club, a refund
check will be drawn as per the club refund policy. We do not pro-rate for days in a month.
For the drop initiated by a member to be effective the CYSA Release/Transfer or
US Club release must be filled out with the Club Registrar. All policies in place by CYSA, US Club, or Norcal will be adhered to in the release of players as appropriate.
Allocation of Dues to Services Provided by Empire Soccer Club
Items paid for by your dues may include: Goalie Trainings, Striker Trainings, Certain League Fees, Club Administration Expenses (insurances, communications, document management, etc.), Field Maintenance and Usage, Registration, Referee Assignments and Mentoring, Referees for one playing season (i.e. Fall Playing League).
Please note that services listed above are not all inclusive. A tremendous amount of work is performed, much of it by volunteers, in addition to the noted services.
Additional Information
Special Note 1: Club policy is to allow Trainers to train more than one of the club’s
teams. Therefore it is inevitable that team Trainers will on occasion be unable to attend
certain events. Every effort will be made by the Club to arrange for a suitable
alternative Staff Member to train the team.
Special Note 2: Club soccer is a competitive environment. Efforts are made to attract
quality soccer players during tryouts and throughout the year. Rosters can and will
The above are part of ESC soccer and do not affect a family’s commitment to pay the
Club Dues when due.
By signing this contract or completing the Empire Soccer Club Registration, you agree to abide by the rules, policies, and procedures of Empire Soccer Club and be governed by its representatives. The Board meets monthly and all Club members are encouraged to attend and voice concerns. (See Website Calendar for specific meeting dates).
I have read the Membership Financial Agreement and agree to the terms and conditions of Empire Soccer Club.
Please sign and Return to Team Manager at Registration
Team: ________________________________________________
PLAYER’S NAME (Print): __________________________________
PLAYER’S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________
PARENT’S NAME (Print): __________________________________
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________
PARENT’S NAME (Print): __________________________________
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________
DATE: ___________________
Last Update 12/17

Contact Information



Empire Soccer Club
122 Calistoga Rd #115
Santa Rosa, CA 95409